

Wow! Kakek Ini Punya 29 Gelar Sarjana

10 Januari, 2015, 12.46 WIB Last Updated 2015-01-10T05:46:32Z
Umur tak pernah membatasi seseorang untuk belajar. Itulah yang ada pada diri Mike Nicholson. Pada usianya 71 tahun, dia telah menyandang 29 gelar akademik. Wow, sungguh luar biasa. Semua didapatkan melalui kuliah, tak ada gelar kehormatan.

Saya ingin menyandang 33 atau 34 gelar. Itu sudah hampir saya capai, kata Nicholson dalam wawancara dengan Huffington Post.

Ke-29 gelarnya, terdiri satu gelar S1, dua gelar diploma, 22 gelar S2 dan 3 spesialis serta 1 gelar doktor. Gelar pertamanya sarjana dalam pendidikan agama dari William Tyndale College in Farmington Hills pada 1963. Sedangkan gelar doktor ia raih pada 1978 di Western Michigan University sembari bekerja sebagai tukang parkir di sana.

Berikut ini daftar 29 gelar yang diperoleh Nicholson selama sekitar 47 tahun.

1. Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.), William Tyndale College, 1963. Major: General Bible.
2. Master of Theology (Th.M.), Dallas Theological Seminary, 1967. Major: Systematic Theology.
3. Master of Arts (M.A.), Eastern Michigan University, 1969. Major: Classroom Teaching.
4. Specialist in Arts (Sp.A.), Eastern Michigan University, 1970. Major: Classroom Teaching.
5. Master in Education (M.Ed.), University of Ottawa (Canada), 1974. Major: School Counselling.
6. Specialist in Education (Ed.S.), Western Michigan University, 1975. Major: Educational Leadership.
7. Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Western Michigan University, 1977. Major: Educational Leadership.
8. Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Western Michigan University, 1978. Major: Business Administration.
9. Master of Science in Library Science (M.S.L.S.), Wayne State University, 1980. Major: Library Science.
10. Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.), Kalamazoo Valley Community College, 1982. Major: Law Enforcement.
11. Associate in Business (A.Bus.), Lansing Community College, 1986. Major: Management.
12. Master of Arts (M.A.), Michigan State University, 1988. Major: Adult and Continuing Education.
13. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1990. Major: Special Education.
14. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1991. Major: Reading.
15. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1992. Major: Career and Technical Education.
16. Specialist in Arts (Sp.A.), Eastern Michigan University, 1993. Major: School Psychology.
17. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1994. Major: Home Economics.
18. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1995. Major: Teaching in the Elementary School.
19. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1996. Major: Teaching in the Middle School.
20. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1997. Major: Early Childhood Education.
21. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1998. Major: Human Resources Development.
22. Master of Arts (M.A.), Western Michigan University, 1999. Major: Physical Education.
23. Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.), Indiana University South Bend, 2001. Major: Special Education.
24. Master of Education (M.Ed.), Oakland University, 2003. Major: Special Education.
25. Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.), Indiana University South Bend, 2004. Major: Secondary Education.
26. Master of Education (M.Ed.), Grand Valley State University, 2005. Major: General Education.
27. Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.), Grand Valley State University, 2008. Major: Public Administration.
28. Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.), Grand Valley State University, 2009. Major: Health Administration.
29. Master of Education (M.Ed.), Grand Valley State University, 2010. Major: Special Education Administration.

Gelar ke-30 berusaha didapatkan melalui program studi ilmu kriminal. Selamat ya pak. [mlive.com/huffingtonpost.com]

